Wide open for community visits

30 August 2022

Screenshot 2022 08 30 at 10.53.01 min

At Treetops, our mission is to make learning fun and to build positive and open relationships with our children, their whānau and the wider community. We like to provide new experiences for our tamariki while strengthening connections with the local and wider community. 

Quality ECE includes community visits

It is important for us to be involved as much as possible with our local community, and that is why we welcome visits such as our recent visit from the technicians at Dental Gym. DentalGym runs an online and on-site programme to help children take better care of their teeth. We all know how important it is to take care of our teeth, and as part of promoting children's well-being, we arranged for DentalGym to visit us at Treetops. We cannot be too early teaching children about oral health and healthy eating to take better care of their precious teeth. 

Quality ECE includes community visits

Their programme empowers children of all ages to implement a positive oral health attitude. Some children are scared of going to the dentist, so it was great to have them bring a dentist's chair so those who wanted to could sit in the chair and feel confident about visiting the dentist.

Quality ECE includes community visits

We are so thankful that they came over for this interactive session. The teachers will be able to access teaching tools from their online educational platform to incorporate the programme. The children were even given a complimentary toothbrush to take home to encourage them to brush their teeth in the morning and before bedtime. We look forward to more visits in the future.

Quality ECE includes community visits