Treetops Early Learing Centre

Regular charity events help children become used to the notion of supporting worthwhile causes.


At Treetops, our community is very important to us. We believe in helping others and making a difference where we can. We believe strongly in building positive and open relationships with our children, their whānau and the wider community.


One way in which we like to show our support is through fundraising for a few different foundations. There are a few which we support every year, such as Daffodil Day and Jammies in June and then, on occasion, we have spontaneous fundraisers such as for the fires in Australia or for a family in need of our support. 


To show our support and to help the children get an idea of what we are fundraising for we will often make the day as fun as possible by dressing up for the day in the colour of the foundation, such as yellow for Daffodil Day or have a Pyjama Day. We will sometimes make and sell cupcakes, biscuits or artwork and donate 100% of the proceeds to the charity. We may change the children’s menu for the day to relate to the theme, engage in discussions and have new experiences for the children to engage in, bringing awareness to the day and the cause. 


Our next fundraiser approaching soon on May 20th is ‘Pink Shirt Day!’ This day is an annual fundraiser celebrated around the globe to raise awareness about bullying and to make a stand against bullying. The organisation behind the event is helping to make Aotearoa a kinder, more inclusive place, where diversity is celebrated, and all people feel safe, valued and respected. 


We will be selling pink biscuits and cupcakes for a gold coin donation, and all proceeds will go to the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. ‘Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying’. At Treetops, we hope to make a little difference by helping to change lives and supporting the community to thrive.

Most importantly, though, we wouldn’t be able to hold these events without the support of our whānau. We highly appreciate the contributions made to make these fundraisers a success, and thank you for your donations. Together we can help make a difference!

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