Treetops Early Learing Centre

One of the joys of being a child is jumping in puddles!


Water brings a sense of calm to the environment, allows sensory exploration, and is refreshing on a hot summer’s day. There are many benefits of water play, and here at Treetops, we value children’s free play and encourage water play.


With water restrictions, children are encouraged to collect rainwater for their play, and it has been wonderful to see how determined children have been to collect raindrops to use for play. 


Water slides are so much fun. They give children autonomy, they demonstrate control over their bodies, and they learn to challenge themselves, gain confidence to use their bodies and take risks. 


We value children’s ideas, such as these makeshift jumping puddles we made with tyres and plastic lining; they are so much fun on a hot summer’s day! Children learn mathematical concepts of high and low while gaining spatial awareness, have fun making splashes, communicate with each other, take turns and learn a new language as they participate and contribute to these experiences. 


Splish, splash, splashing on a rainy day! The warm relationship with parents means children come prepared for rainy days with a change of clothes, prepared to have fun outdoors. Children have the opportunity to express themselves, run, jump, play and make beautiful memories with their friends. “Where there is love, there is joy” (Mother Teresa).


Respectful practise means those who do not feel like getting wet can still get out in the rain with raincoats and umbrellas. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing” (Alfred Wainwright).


Disclaimer: We strongly recommend that all children be actively supervised by an adult around water.

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